Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Organizational Clarity: “PowerPoint: Basic Slide Layouts” free download

From the Articulate community is an article from easy, cheap solutions to meet organizational needs. In an email I received was a link to: “PowerPoint: Basic Slide Layouts” by Ashi Tandon for a free download. If you need to add a professional look to your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations or training sessions, I would suggest this download its simple and easy and has great look and feel to it.
Plus, it's free, when there are tons of product that you need to pay for to add on to programs like Microsoft PowerPoint I would recommend surfing this site for more downloads.
If you want to know more just click the link here:

Organizational Clarity: "How is your Culture Quotient?" article

This article by Marcella Bremer talks about the culture Quotient of an organization discussing the sensitive issue of diversity in the workplace. Emphasizing the need for Cultural competency that allows professionals to navigate the workplace environment with their co-workers without making waves or causing major HR issues. This way everyone involved can increase their awareness of other cultures, build morale and create a creative, collaborative environment.
If you want more information this brief article summarizes the point and need of a Culture Quotient in every organization just click on the link:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Organizational Clarity: “Why are Organizations Migrating From Classroom Training to E-learning?” article

From the CommlabIndia community is an article from easy, cheap solutions to meet organizational needs. In an email I received was a link to: “Why are Organizations Migrating From Classroom Training to E-learning?” by Aruna Vayuvegula. Creating a LMS for an organization that has international or a global reach is a challenge, to keep costs down the basic tenet is to stop training or allow in-house training by managers.
However, this is not always effective, so getting the organization’s training department around the world or at two or more sites simultaneously an organization must think outside the box. This is one of the reasons that organizations choose E-learning as a usable option to meet these challenges as an extensive global organization.
E-learning is a great option to reach employees no matter where they are and assist in their professional growth in and out of the organizational span.
These are the five reasons why organizations move from Classroom Training to E-Learning:

1.       Need to update skills to match growing business needs

2.       Compulsion to keep training costs low while not compromising on training hours

3.       Need to train a large and dispersed workforce

4.       Demand for flexibility in knowledge transfer

5.       Need to track training completions and effectiveness

After reading these five reasons you can understand the desire for many organizations to move from one theater to another. Meeting the employees halfway on these training courses by allowing them to complete sessions on their own time, goes a long way to achieving the cooperation and involvement of employees in the learning process (for the organization). If you want to know more just click the link here:

Organizational Clarity: “Vitalize Your Online Training Programs with Videos”article

In an article called “Vitalize Your Online Training Programs with Videos” by Sushmitha Kolagani, the author discusses why on-demand videos should be used in Online Training Programs. The basic tenant is that it is much cheaper than sending a trainer to various locations for annual events and presentations. 
When it comes videos reusability, training uses or increased retention are great reasons to use videos in addition to e-learning programs or with performance support tools. The more of the material that a learner learns has access to the better, also the adaptability of on-demand videos to either be used to increase or boost morale or even giving quick techniques for representatives to do certain tasks in half the time. The idea of introducing on-demand videos into your training repertoire is one that should be made into reality.
If you see the same thing happening in your organization I urge you to click on the hyperlink below and read the article about E-Learning to educate yourself and your organization’s E-Learning dissenters
Here is the hyperlink to “Vitalize Your Online Training Programs with Videos” by Sushmitha Kolagani: 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Organizational Clarity: “New Employees Will Love These 5 Fresh Org Chart Freebies” free download

From the Articulate community is an article from easy, cheap solutions to meet organizational needs. In an email I received was a link to: “New Employees Will Love These 5 Fresh Org Chart Freebies” by their Community team.
It is always stressful when new employees enter the organization for both the new employee and established employees (and management) this article gives links to free downloads which will help relieve some of that anxiety. In order for the new employees to be able to put a name to a face and reduce the time it takes to explain who’s who in the organization these downloads take all the hard work and effort in making sure “everyone knows everyone”.
In the article are links to downloads for organizational charts, where you can add pictures of established employees and their titles. So that the “chain of command” in the organization is clearly established from the beginning, new employees then know who to turn to for possible questions or problems that face the “newbies” in their first 90 days in the organization.
If you want to know more just click the link here:

Organizational Clarity: “PowerPoint: Business Icons” free download

From the Articulate community dedicated to increasing a professional’s knowledge of E-Learning, giving out free tips and free resources on how to implement E-Learning in the workplace or how to easily find cheap solutions to organizational needs. 
In this week’s email I received a link to: “PowerPoint: Business Icons” this is a great download that you can use for free when creating PowerPoint slide deck for training purposes. You can also use these business-themed icons for your own personal use as well, have fun creating!
Just click on the link here: https://community.articulate.com/download/powerpoint-business-icons
 Please note: I suggest trying the software first and then figuring out how you can use the templates listed as downloads in the articles above with PowerPoint, later on, to give you the “look’ for the training purposes that meets your organization’s needs

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Organizational Clarity: "ETEC 561 Fall 2012: Section 4: Human Performance Technology" blog

This is a blog that briefly discusses Human Performance Technology the main thing you can take away from this is the graphic of the ASTD HPT Model and possibly, if you are a student you can use as that much needed reference for a project. Please click the link to learn more:
ETEC 561 Fall 2012: Section 4: Human Performance Technology: Not all problems in learning and/or performance require an instructional one. Many times a non-instructional approach is a more ap...

Organizational Clarity: “5 Tips to Set Flawless Learning Objectives for eLearning Courses” article

From the CommlabIndia community is an article from easy, cheap solutions to meet organizational needs. In an email I received was a link to: “5 Tips to Set Flawless Learning Objectives for eLearning Courses” By Ashok Kumar K.  Learning objectives are always tough to create especially for the eLearning arena.
Most organizations do not have the resources to commit to E-Learning courses so when the practitioner has the chance, they have to do it right! Stating to the learners and one’s sponsors what one will learn from this presentation of material is crucial to maintain support and fan the learner’s desire to engage.  
The five tips to setting flawless learning objectives for eLearning Courses are:
  • Keep learning objectives specific
  • Keep learning objectives simple and concise
  • Say NO to ambiguity
  • Specify expected performance
  • Align assessments & activities with learning objectives
If you want to know more just click the link here:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Organization Clarity: The “Red Pill” of Cultural Change: Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) On RU Training

This is a great blog written by a former student on the RU Training blog called: The “Red Pill” of Cultural Change: Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). It discusses using the OCAI to discover how your personality may gear you towards a certain organizational culture. Taking the OCAI is fast and easy but also you may discover as the author states: "why workers and management are not on the same page" in your organization.

You can find the original blog post here:

Organizational Clarity: “ETEC 524: Example Technology-playtesting Reflections: Affordances of Video” blog

This is a great blog that discusses why video should be used in the learning process explaining how video captures the learner’s attention. Plus, how watching is more effective than reading and how the rapid presentation and control of video in the learning process is highly effective. Please click the link to learn more:
I hear lots of kudos for YouTube and how engaging it is to use videos for instruction, but blanket statements applauding YouTube as “great!...

Organizational Clarity: “4 Easy Steps to Translate Online Courses into Multiple Languages” article

From the CommlabIndia community is an article from easy, cheap solutions to meet organizational needs. In an email I received was a link to: “4 Easy Steps to Translate Online Courses into Multiple Languages” By Phani Madhav.  
When creating training courses online you usually do not think globally only locally, therefore creating an online training in different languages is not something that comes to a designer. But if your organization is starting or already has a global reach then this quick little article will give you four quick tips to increasing your international reach. The five steps to translate Online Courses into Multiple Languages are:
Step 1: Translate learning content into the desired languages
Step 2: Get the content reviewed
Step 3: Complete the audio recording and develop the translated courses
Step 4: Send the courses to the stakeholder for final review and deliver them
If you want to know more just click the link here:

Monday, February 6, 2017

Organizational Clarity: Free E-book (download)“Determining the Learning Outcomes for an E-learning”

This is another free E-book from CommlabIndia in pdf format from the 7 books series called “Determining the Learning Outcomes for an E-learning” this short e-book discusses why it is important to set outcomes or guidelines for the learning process. With clear learning objectives we are able to set expectations and goals from a certain level of performance that the learner must produce as a result of their training. This also helps determine how the learning process is delivered, assessed and the content covered with the training sessions itself.
The E-book also covers briefly pitfalls to avoid and tips to make sure that the learning outcomes are achievable most of these you may think are common sense but a refresher is always good to have. Plus if you are working in or with a team, not everyone has the same knowledge base as you might have, so this e-book will get everyone on the same page without the need for extended explanations or details.
After reviewing the E-book and you see that the information is useful for your purposes go ahead and download. Just click on the link here for your free download:

Friday, February 3, 2017

Organizational Clarity: Free E-book (download) “Translation & Localization of E-learning Courses”

This is another free E-book from CommlabIndia in pdf format from the 7 books series called “Translation & Localization of E-learning Courses” this short e-book discusses why when designing global e-learning courses your organization needs to have the right translation process and include the right elements of localization into the organization’s e-learning processes. This way the organization overcomes any language or cultural barriers that may exist and also sidestep all the mistakes that deter the learning process.
Five Strategies to Design Effective Global Courses
  • Use a Universally Accepted Version of the Language
  • Start with a Culture-neutral Course
  • Plan for Translation-friendly Courses
  • Use Rapid Authoring Tools for Quick Translations
  • Assign Specialists in E-learning to do Translation and Localization
This E-book also cover a 6-Step E-learning Course Translation Process:
  • Analyze source content and prepare it for translation
  • Have a streamlined translation process
  • Proofread the translated content
  • Schedule professional voice talent for audio narration
  • Integrate translated elements into the course
  • Deliver course on to the LMS
After reviewing the E-book and you see that the information is useful for your purposes go ahead and download. Just click on the link here for your free download:

Organizational Clarity: "6 E-learning and Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2017" article

For maintaining a status of an effective training manager one must be current upon existing and future trends to develop a proper strategy for training in an organization’s upcoming year. Understanding what new trends are “hot” or “popular” in your organization’s market will help you determine how you will allocate the organization’s resources. There are in many organizations those “higher ups” that will like to try a new methodology or a current trend to make the organization “modern” or competitive with the other organizations in the market. So keeping one eye on what may be chosen or earmarked for adoption ahead of time, it just a smart thing to do!
In this article, “6 E-learning and Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2017” Hema Gopalakrishnan what is covered is six trends that have a high probability of being using for training purposes in 2017. These trends have been chosen with the object of increasing the effectiveness of an organization’s training procedures and increasing the organization’s Return on Investment.
The majority of these six trends I can rightfully say has been discussed on the academic level as useful to meet the objectives I have aforementioned, unfortunately, in the professional setting, some of these trends are not applicable with the resources that are available from the organization in question. But here is a list of the six trends believed to be the focus of trainers in 2017 as covered and explained more in the article:

1.       Mobile Learning

2.       Gamification

3.       Personalized Learning

4.       Social Learning

5.       Microlearning

6.       Immersive Learning

If any of these tips are sound right up your alley and you want to know more, please click onto this link: