Thursday, September 27, 2018

Organizational Clarity: Leadership styles -Visionary Leadership

This assignment for Organizational Development touched upon different leadership styles and what I would consider is my leadership style. Also, why I would be comfortable implementing this leadership style in the workplace or in my career in the near future and why it should be implemented. I have posted the assignment below:

Well, in the same theme as my first posting I consider my leadership style more in the area of the Visionary Leadership as I stated before my style as I have gotten (way) older is one of inclusion instead of exclusion, I prefer to build up the people around me than follow a one goal, one vision purpose (Cameron, & Green, 2015). Getting people on board and developing their professional skills is very important for any organization to grow and prosper.

Although it is important to have direction in an organization, relying on the members there within is also important, meaning that you must be able to trust your employees to do their job, instead of micromanaging them to do what it is you hired them to do. This type of leadership style also builds upon the integrity and respect of the individual to do the right thing for the organization as a whole.  Creating a “company culture” that builds trust and communication, which then can lead (as I stated before) to an atmosphere of positive morale and innovation that will help the organization overcome issues that may plague it. The relationship builds on trust and personal/professional development assist a leader when they need to “see” what others see and develop solutions in areas they themselves are not too familiar with (Cameron, & Green, 2015).  Plus, innovation of course, buffers an organization against negative changes within the marketplace or help it develop new products/service that will give it an advantage over the competition, thereby leading to new sources of revenue.

Also, this leadership style personalizes the employees instead of look at theme as mere cog in the machine, that personalization to me, means that the organization wants to keep you around and understands that you are essential to its profit margin than simply being replaceable. With this type of leadership an organization essentially values the employee’s experience whether it is in areas of productivity, to problem solving or even developing market plans, the organization, wants to the employee to reach the highest potential in each area.  It’s my experience when management develops their employees they stick around longer, work harder and become more knowledge in the field of their expertise. These managers usually lead teams that are very successful in the past organizations I have worked for and are usually the ones that are most imitated.

However, this is more of a personality characteristic than a leadership style, building trust with others, a rapport and helping them grow professional although to me, is essential with working with others, is not always something that many of the managers I worked with, chose to do. Therefore, leading to high turnover rates, or migrating from one crisis to another on a daily basis without any end or positive turnaround in sight for the organization. I always felt this was a very tiring way to manage people (adults), it has been my experience to find out what motivates an individual, then personalize a goal for an activity’s completion and you will be to get a 110% every time out of an employee. Meanwhile you can be developing skills that will make the employee more productive and enhance their problem-solving skills in ways the organization and (yourself) as a manager can benefit from.

Cameron, Esther, and Mike Green. Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers, 2015.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Organizational Developmental: A trip to Boston pt 3

To help combat the boredom that occurs after hours during an out of state event for your employees/team it is best to research events during the date(s) of the event, retail shops or restaurants nearby, to even different mode of transportation. This information can be used for team building events, ways for the team members to blow off steam. Also, this information can be used to solidify or build relationships between managers and their team.

Nothing informs an employee that you have their best interests at heart than informing them of either the respective hotspots near the venue you are staying at, or maybe where to grab the best burger. So long as it shows that the leaders who organized the trip and event were thinking of more than just the event itself. Empathy towards the employees you dragged across state lines to even five blocks down the street goes a long way.

It builds trust, comradery and a healthy dose of positivity in an event that employees/team members could just be viewing as a necessary evil to get a couple overtime hours in order to pay off some bills. The little extras can go a long way, even if you do see an immediate return it creates an organizational culture that will expect more and do more (production wise) in the future.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Organizational Developmental: A trip to Boston pt 2

I wanted to actually go through and have a non-eventful trip. And try to learn something about a process called onboarding along the way to increase my professional skill set. Of course, things do not go as planned and it made the event more complicated than it needed to be unfortunately things happen or turn out like that. Being the new person, I really could not just take control or offer too many suggestions because I did not have all the data to give a proper assessment. As the say experience is the best teacher and within this event there were a lot of issues that occurred that I believe could be easily handled or eliminated from occurring the next time around.

From an organizational development perspective, it is required, necessary to baby step and focus on smaller problems or issues that can be fixed immediately, in a short span of time or with a limited amount other resources. I realize that I went through a crash course of training but in the near future I will be assigned to different events on my own. And after I lose the training wheels I will be able to make adjustments or add certain accompaniments that will streamline some of the processes that I immediately identified as ineffective or not as efficient. In other words, it is important as you start your own training process in an organization to not try to reinvent the wheel in your first couple of months there.

Because as much as you want to change the world there is simply too many x-factors or variables to truly state definitively that the "solutions" you are proposing are correct or would be effective. With time and some trial and error you can develop the right methodology or procedures that will make your organization a better place it simply takes time, patience and a couple of implementations to get it right.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Organizational Developmental: A trip to Boston pt 1

From an organizational developmental perspective, it was a nightmare, just terrible. The whole thing was simply a catastrophe. The client’s needs were met during an out of town excursion however the environment in which we all found ourselves in was way below our expectations. For example, the public area we had interviews which was reserved on the last day was no longer roped off not reserved in the early morning. Leaving us scrambling for tables and staff to clean the area that now being used for breakfast by different individuals and families.

These were the same areas that were being used to facilitate the applicants to fulfill the client’s employment needs. Now imagine having applicants entering the lobbying and being directed to an area where there are not but families eating breakfast. You as an applicant would wonder what is going on? Is this so type of a scam? How legit and on point is this organization if they cannot get an area to together for my interview and maintain it?

The event was successful and that was mainly due to my team’s never say die attitude. However, this hiring event (sorry I cannot disclose too many details) was still marred by the unprofessionalism of an external organization. Simply put the organization we paid and put our faith in simply had to be prodded at every turn to perform up to the basic standards in which we contracted them by. If it was not the area being unreserved it was not enough coffee and water for the staff and candidates. The other issues were rooms and hallways littered by other guests from the night or two nights before. We even had issues getting meals for our team, or even is a timely (up to 45 minutes to get a burger and thirty for the check) and clean manner (dirty silverware/dishes).

The organization hosting the event was simply not up to par. When dealing with clients and/or trying to meet their (staffing) needs is already stressful as is, for all the stakeholders involved. But to add the third-party organization enlisted (paid) to assist in the endeavor as part of the stress is not something an OD professional and/or event planner is clearly counting on to be. Although the next event can be scheduled elsewhere possibly eliminating this problem, what are so other solutions or actions that can be taken beforehand or during an issue like this?

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Organizational Development: Challenging Questions about Data Collection

During an Organizational Development class, it was asked about our take on how to collect data or feedback from stakeholders within a corporate environment and during the class we needed to interact via an online discussion. Every once in a while, we have to pose questions to one another, in this post I have posted the question and my response to that question. I hope the interactions below assist in research, or even understanding the concepts of the data collection that engage stakeholders in a positive manner and what from some academic sense future practitioners think of these concepts and the arenas it can be used in.

Question: When maintaining open communications can often replace surveys. However, if I am seeking to gain collective insights and opinion on a program or service, I like to use the survey approach. Remember though that surveys in fact seek the information that we want to know, not necessarily the information that people want to share. This is the fine balance that you need to maintain when it comes to a survey design when seeking information. 

Anytime we have a question or a problem that requires input from others, it seems that we rush to create a survey. When exactly should we use surveys to collect data? What tools can we use to create better surveys?

I usually think of using surveys in larger organizations like a for profit institution, or an organization that is global, dealing with larger group of people with different cultural and geographical backgrounds, I would want to ask specific questions that are organization based without any leeway for interpretation or the introduction of personal opinion. I would also use surveys to clarify or support what was covered during another data gathering interactions such as a focus group or interview, that way it can lessen the bias in reporting the data given by the employee(s).

The only way I can think of creating a better survey is to use video or audio presentations coupled with the survey to make the person taking the survey more engaged and increase the likelihood of future buy ins for the audience the survey is intended for.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Organizational Development- Data collection methods

One of the data collection (gathering) methods I am most familiar with, are electronic surveys/questionnaires  (Anderson, 2013). This is a great icebreaker to start the discussion about daily work flows to what a team should order for lunch during a team building exercise. Also, with electronic surveys can be coupled with other data gathering methods fairly easy without that much setup. For example, if you require members of a focus group to complete a survey about what was discussed or how effective the meeting was before they leave the group not only have you increased the response rate but also increase the amount of data you gathered (Anderson, 2013).

Whenever I saw electronic surveys used as icebreakers to other topics or used with other data gathering methods in the workplace I have noticed that participation from employees increases the next time a survey is given. I have even created two electronic surveys via survey monkey for a Final project in my Human Performance Improvement class, although the electronic surveys were not used, I found that it was simple to create and not as time-consuming as if I was required to do the other data collecting methods. However, I feel that if I could correlate those two electronic surveys with another data collection methods I would have had more success with my response rate and commitment for those reviewing my work.

My question is when using electronic surveys as a primary data collection method what other method would you use as an additional method to increase the response rate (commitment) or would you just follow up with another survey? Also, how would you ensure the probability of following up with the survey takers if you coupled it with another data collection method?

Anderson, D. L. (2013). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Organizational Development-Toys R Us

When it comes to Toys r us going out of business I am happy, and I am sad, now coming from someone with a Masters in OD (Organizational Development) that must sound fairly “simple” and I admit it is. I am sad because a big part of my childhood and Americana is gone from the retail landscape. I still remember begging my mom to take 25 minutes into the suburbs to get the newest Universal Monsters action figures and playset. It was a place of wonder and imagination, in fact I still have one of those figures still.

But over the years a lot of the wonder and imagination Toys R US created faded, not because kids got involved in video games and the toy industry suffered. No, they sold video games at various Toys R US locations, and at any location you could find various adults spending their paychecks on not only video games but action (the collector’s type) figures as well.  The problems were more than that from expensive prices, lack of sales and advertisement, to even a lack of energy within the stores. Now these are off the top of my head, and I would not get into the condition of the packaging of anything I bought at (or nearly bought) Toys R US. Most of the items looked like they were used as footballs by store staff and with the attitudes they exhibited they truly must have.

I could say only there were only few other big chains that had as many disgruntled employees as Toys R US, but only a few. So, I am fairly happy that they have gone out of business because the company that went out of business in 2018 was destroying my recollections of the company that gave me and a lot of other children hours of fun with the products they sold years ago. Going by a model like Amazon the company could have rebounded if they would have made their stores “must see locations of wonder” they would have gotten bodies into their stores, along with their dollars. But none of that happened the company seemly filed bankruptcy and went about business as usual, then they had to close, duh.

I was not pleased with Toys R US when it closed but I was still happy. Much like that always-failing ex that you hear stories about how bad they are doing after you dumped them, you wonder where it all went wrong, or maybe it was always there and no one saw it coming. With Toys R US the “writing was on the wall” and the chain could not have ended their time in the retail marker any sooner. My hope is that all those employees can find jobs doing something that pays the bills or that they love to do. Meanwhile I also hope this opens up customers to those smaller online and mom and pop stores that did not get noticed before, with the shadows of the combined might of Toys R US, Walmart, Target and Amazon looming over them. With at least one of these mammoths gone there can be a chance for the little guys (smaller stores) to break through and take Toys R US’s place in the hearts of Americana.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Organizational Development: Challenging Questions about Interventions

When an intervention fails the consultant can use this opportunity to just reexamine the situation and use that data to reconstruct a better intervention or an entirely new one that is better suited or the client’s organization. I believe that an intervention although can have negative effects if it is one of multiple failed interventions that have been implemented in a short amount of time, thereby ruining the credibility of the consultant and possibly lowering the percentage of engagement of the stakeholders.

Also, if the employees of the organization feel that the intervention does not have a positive impact on their professional development it may cause resistance or an increase in the organization’s turnover rate.

Were there any interventions or changes in procedures in the organization that you are presently with that occurred for only a short amount of time, only to go back to the “way thing was”? In your professional experience, have you seen coworkers become disgruntled by organizational changes that they simply resisted the change until it was repealed, or they left the organization because of it?