Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Organizational Clarity: Job hunter rejection via text article

After reading this article, I do feel for the teenager in this case when job hunting it is obviously important to showcase a hint of professionalism on both sides. When representatives from an organization decide to use text messaging to contact candidates regarding job opportunities, being old school, I feel is a little bit unprofessional and insensate regarding this issue of filling the position. If an organization is serious about contacting a candidate regarding a position in which they believe the candidate has the experience and skill, they will use email, phone calls, and voicemail, or even "snail" mail. 

However, in this case, this organization did not choose any of these options. They texted the teen as you can see in the article they were unimpressed with her "energy" and decided to cancel the interview which an actual phone call or email would have probably reflected this applicant's energy and desire for the position. Now with all the extended and negative press for the organization for which they apologized for the exchange. Of course, it is too late as many customers, and potential customers have decided to boycott the restaurant. Most likely a lot of potential applicants have done the same thing, and you can only imagine what the morale in this organization is like now!

I have received once in awhile a text about job opportunities, possibly due to my resume on Careerbuilder or Indeed.com, unfortunately with the news of various scams out there, one must wonder about this method of reaching out. In other words, I do not follow up with these types of offers at all because I am not sure who is on the other end. After seeing what this teenager went through I am glad I do not, it is bad enough to have the stress of looking for an opportunity in today's job market. But then to be harshly judged, through a text? Very unprofessional, organizations should take heed of this situation mentioned in this article and eliminate this type of communication for reaching possible job candidates.

This is an article discussing this unprofessional situation in "Teen receives extremely blunt job rejection, fights back on Twitter" just click on this link:

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