Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Organizational Clarity: “Reason this woman’s job interview was canceled” article part 1

Although I never heard of this; I recently read an article that explained a job candidate had her job interview canceled because she asked about salary and benefits! The company is one that customers can order food and take out online from restaurants in small markets, similar to the services, Peapod and Grubhub mixed. It is understandable to ask this questions before undertaking a job opportunity especially if this information was not covered either in the job listing (description) or the first interview that this candidate had with the interviewer (representative) for this organization. 
Before I take any job or even apply for jobs online through Indeed or Careerbuilder I would look for the salary or benefits linked to the job, most job listings that do not have this information listed usually infer that the applicant should ask about these items during the interview. If the job listing does not have any of this information, I have a golden rule: Do not apply, simple as that. Why go through what this applicant went through?
In fact, in response to this applicant’s question, the organization replied that it is not part of their organizational culture to have applicants ask these type of questions. If this is against the organizational culture, then applicants must ask what else is? Does the organization have a mission statement or handbook in which this is written or is this an “unspoken rule” that is just implied and thereby opens the doors to more adjustments to what can be considered an employable rule? Because of these types of issues is the reason why laws and other protections were made to ensure that these type vague employment statutes do not occur or repeat in the workplace.
The fact that this organization does understand that this loose structure of rules and organizational culture in regards to what determines corrective action or even a breach of employment agreements simply makes it worse for all the organizations that share its market space. With most organizations worrying about more rules and regulations coming down upon them from Federal, state or local governments that the last thing needed is an event like this with such “hoopla” and attention that restricts them even further.
Just click on the link here to learn more: https://www.yahoo.com/news/reason-woman-job-interview-canceled-215408983.html

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