Thursday, January 5, 2017

Organizational Clarity: for your Organization Clarity needs

I mentioned in a post for my Learning Technologies class at Roosevelt University to another student that in response to their wish for more free software to work with when it came to training sessions, video creation, and to enhance presentations they should go to
Don’t worry this is not a commercial for the site, and I do not like some of the programs on there but it is a site that tests and posts: paid, free to try and free programs to install on your PC or Mac for your own individual usage. From audio recording program to video editing this site literally as it all, plus it has reviews and ratings from the editors of and the users of the programs. 
Which such details readily available and online site organization that will make your head spin, you will most likely find what you need when it comes to enhancing that Monday morning presentation that just looks flat. So I recommend giving it a go and check out the download site on, oh, they have apps for mobile too! I have divided the links for your convenience into the various systems they cover:
For IOS (Apple phone):

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