Friday, December 16, 2016

How Culture and Positive Leadership determine Organizational Change

I was reading a great article about Organizational Change by Marcella Bremer called “Overview: Change based on Culture and Positive Leadership” basically since 70% of all Organizational change fails the author discusses how to change the numerous factors that cause this failure. As the title suggest the change starts with Leadership approaching change by involving all the stakeholders who this changes impacts and making sure that the organizational culture is flexible enough to integrate those changes.
As we all know any time there is change if management is not behind it or going through the motions and/or there is resistance to change amongst the employees who are then expected to carry the burden of the change implementation. As Ms. Bremer states in the article this combined is the number one problem in why Organizational change fails, I suggest reading her article (click on the hyperlink) for a few starter points and if you see the need for further information to peruse her site for some more information some of it’s free some of it's paid but if you believe that your organization is of need of dyer change you may want to have all the options possible, available to you and your organization.
Here is the hyperlink to “Overview: Change based on Culture and Positive Leadership” by Marcella Bremer:

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