Monday, May 29, 2017

Happy Memorial Day from the Organizational Clarity!

In 1971 Memorial Day became an official holiday in the United States. It was started to honor Union soldiers in the Civil War veterans in the Union after many saw how the South honored their dead during the same conflict.
Fast forward to World War 1 it became a national holiday (not federal) to honor all those who fallen during military service. As we all know Vietnam veterans rally strongly on this date as they did not receive the recognition of their service after that war.  Unfortunately, most organizations take advantage of this opportunity to have “Memorial Day Sales events” or a “Memorial Day Clearance”. 
To be truthful it is a way to take advantage of the fact most people in America have this day off and hopefully by having these sales can then translate into needed revenue. However, on a positive note, some organizations are honoring veterans in general, (not just those who have fallen), and when it comes to the field of Organizational Development that is a huge plus that organizations show that type of commitment to the community.
These are some links that discuss more about Memorial Day:
These are some links discussing which organizations have free offerings for veterans:
Some of the websites repeat the same information but vary a little bit but I wanted to make sure I posted what I could find on here. That way veterans everywhere can note which organizations are honoring their service today, and get a chance to enjoy what is being offered. Have a great Memorial Day!

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