Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Organizational Clarity: Critical issues about data collection

In this forum, we'll discuss critical issues about data collection as they relate to our reading in this Module. I'll post a question to start our discussion and please chime in with your ideas and opinions. Feel free to add additional questions to generate discussion. Only start a new thread if you want to post a new question. To answer questions, click on the thread title and then reply.

Survey design by nature has several limitations, one being the response rates typically are low -- maybe 15-28% depending on sample population and also I would add culture of the sample org culture. What increases the response would be clarity and simplicity and the message of how and why the data is being collected

However, if one organization has a low tolerance for technology any survey given out will usually be on paper reducing the confidentiality of and likelihood that the survey would be taken. Plus, these surveys are could be collected by staff who will read the survey responses and possibly ask publicly why an individual has answered a certain way to the questions upon it. This action carried out about the management of the department also deters participation, creating a negative organizational culture. This air of intimidation can play a heavy factor in survey response rate.

Anderson, D. L. (2013). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications.